Yard & Garden

Homemade Weed Killer Without the Chemicals

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Spring is here! And with it, the dreaded weeds. I swear they creep in overnight or anytime I’m not looking. Using strong chemicals to kill them in our play area out back is no bueno in my book. Pinterest has so many tips on how to make weed killers. But, do they really work? Yes! My variation on this popular homemade weed killer recipe guarantees to kill those pesky weeds faster than the big brand weed killer and without the harmful chemicals.

This spot was created for our littles to play when they come to visit. I needed to find a weed killing alternative that would not make me say a prayer each time they ran or dug in the sand. Plus the Bouve and Doodle hang out here frequently. So, it was imperative this area be as safe as possible for everyone. See that beautiful weed free goodness?

You will want to mix and spray this on a sunny day with little to no wind. Early morning after the dew has evaporated is ideal as the sun accelerates the process. Within an hour or so you will begin to see the sweet revenge of your efforts!

Fair warning

Your property is going to smell like a massive Easter egg dying production for a day or two because of the vinegar. Masks and gloves are encouraged while mixing and spraying due to the concentration of the vinegar. And, do not spray this in or around flowers, plants, trees or grass unless you want to eradicate them completely. Remember, we are killing weeds within hours with this stuff! But hey, it’s less toxic and quicker than the big name weed killing brands.

I chose some weeds towards the middle of the play area and left the others unharmed. This way I could compare and see if this stuff would really work.

Here is the before and after 1 hour!!

Can you believe it? Even my Husband was surprised and impressed! I’m still in awe of this and so, so happy not to be spraying chemicals in this area. Look at those things fry like fritters!


To really prove this method works I left the surrounding weeds alone for a week. They drank in delicious sweet rain and enjoyed growing to their fullest potential. You can see the sprayed areas stayed weed free!

Below is round two…those suckers didn’t stand a chance.

Y’all, the results are amazing! This process is my go-to from now on. No harmful chemicals and quick results make me and our Doodle, Hendrix, happy. Just look at his smile!

Here’s what you will need:

This vinegar was the strongest I could find. The 30% concentration may do the trick so let me know if you try it. This sprayer was the perfect size to hold the gallon of vinegar. We have sprayers for days in the barn. But, I wanted to keep this as chemical free as possible and didn’t want to clean one out. Be sure to label your sprayer with a permanent marker.

This weed killer would be great around fence lines, side walks and driveway cracks. I think another round is in order for these areas on Myers Acre!

Happy weed killing,